Arrange a discovery meeting today.

During our meeting, we take the time to listen and to understand what's important to you, along with what you're looking to achieve both now and in the future. 

Making the most of your discovery meeting.

To make best use of your discovery meeting, we encourage you to think about the following questions prior to meeting with us:

* What do you want your future to look like?
* What's your vision for an 'ideal world'?
* What changes or challenges do your foresee in the coming years and beyond?
* Why is all this important to you?

Our Fees

Your initial discovery meeting is held at our expense.
Thereafter, should we both agree to work together, the following fees will apply:

* Building your Lifestyle Plan: from £2,500 to £5,000
* Forward Planning meetings: from £2,500 to £10,000 
* Additional work: charged at an hourly rate of £295
* Alternatively: we can agree a fixed project fee

The exact fee for our work will depend on the complexity of your plan and the amount of work involved.  We will confirm all fees in writing and get your agreement to proceed before commencing our work. We will also confirm whether VAT applies for your plan.